Sunday 8 April 2012

Day 97

And so the long weekend we have a national love affair with continues, we began ours with a relaxing breakfast picnic with friends at Kholo Gardens. We've been reflecting again today on those things in life that bring us joy and happiness. It always seems that the answers are unassuming and lie in the simplest of places: the beauty of a sunset, a homecooked meal shared with friends or the delight of fresh flowers from the one you love. I spent some time in the kitchen this afternoon preparing a big pot of soup for evening meals and a raw easter treat (raw cacao & beetroot mini-mud). It was very enjoyable and as I tinkered away I reflected further on the morning's thoughts and of some of the conversations I've had this past week with friends and loved ones that, for one reason or another, are hurting at the moment. In a world that is driven by an unquenchable notion that we need more to be happy, it's important to take time out and reconnect with the perpetual student within us, content with a simple life of learning, love and....lentils. I think of those truths that bring me peace and of the hands with the scars, a lasting image of the wounds we sometimes inflict on one another as from time to time we collide in our struggle to find our way, but also that remind me of compassion and love that would still embrace.       


  1. so sweetly said toward the end there cara, love your words...

  2. thank you Suz - loving your photos from Krabi!
