Friday 30 March 2012

Day 87 & 88

It’s Friday evening and I’m thinking of how much I am looking forward to a weekend of gardening, new raw food adventures and a few good naps. I haven’t been spending as much time in the garden as I would like and will be dedicating some tlc to our little patch this weekend. I can’t wait to see how our sweet spuds are going, let the chooks have a good run through and then get the beds ready for our winter crops. We had our kitchen gardening meet-up again on Thursday evening and it was lovely to spend some time together learning from one another and sharing a nice supper. My lovely Fijian Indian aunty was most disappointed that I could not try her traditional dishes yet again (though the aroma was most inviting) so I promised that I would come for dinner very soon and am most looking forward to our date. Scott and Kitty generously shared their abundance of knowledge and seeds and we've got a nice little collection to plant this weekend. The group meets on the last Thursday of every month (email us if you want to be added to the mailout) at the Leichhardt Community Centre and all are welcome!  I have found a great recipe for raw pumpkin pie so I’m going to give that a crack and I have some buckwheat sprouted ready for raw waffles on Sunday morning. 

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 86


Well I think I’ve lost count somewhere along the line – oops – I started on 3 January so what day am I up to now? Anyway the journey has been simply amazing and as autumn begins to wrap it's arms around us, I am reminded that there is a time for everything and that we should not be afraid of change but embrace and delight in it. I feel so thankful for the opportunity to grow, to change, to make decisions that can lead to adventures into whole new worlds. If you're reading my blog it means you are committed to building sound health practices and want to keep learning so I want to share with you this clip Hungry for Change. I haven't yet watched the whole film but I intend to and would love to hear your comments.     

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Day 85

I had the most wonderful surprise today. Over the weekend I was thinking of my friend, Svetlana, whom I haven't seen in some time. Lana and I met in about 2005 when she first migrated to Australia. She is a quiet observer who will out of the blue give you the clearest insight about yourself and you wonder how she knows. We trade psychoanalysis for English lessons and both partial to drinking exotic and interesting teas, our catch up's used to be at a quiet teahouse (which has now sadly closed it's doors) for a pot of Russian Caravan or Lapsang Souchang. I was in Cultiver today when I heard spoken Russian and looked up to see both Lana and Yulia standing there smiling at me coyly. Yulia, whom I met when I was tutoring English literacy at a community class, had remembered that I am at the shop on Tuesday's and they decided to come and find me. I was promptly escorted next door to fourthchild for a cuppa and catch up. I do love the gentle ceremony of taking tea, where for a few moments one can stop and just enjoi the moment either by yourself or with good friends. I often just sit in a cafĂ© and take time out from the mad rush all around. Stress can undermine your health and lead to all kinds of disease so be sure to take time out regularly to relax, unwind and recharge those batteries which is just as important as eating well. Speaking of food.... today's menu was green tea, green smoothie and raw bircher before 9am - during the day: licorice tea and chai, a healthy handful of almonds, one banana and two squares of conscious chocolate (yes raw! thank you Katrina Lee for special sample delivery - you can now get raw, dairy free chocolate from Lee BonBons) - green vegetable salad & dandelion tea (3pm) and raw pad thai followed by a pear (8pm). Don't forget to eat lots of greens & schedule some me time out for yourself this week!     

Monday 26 March 2012

Day 84

Winter is certainly knocking at our door here in Ipswich. We had a most crisp morning which only seemed to warm up around noon. Nearly everyone I have spoken with today is coming down with colds and flus as the bugs start to look for warm hosts for the cooler months. I did my weekly run to the grocer this afternoon and stocked up on lots of fresh veg, citrus and just look at the beautiful fresh, pink tipped ginger I found today.  I just love the colours of fresh produce and could spend hours mesmerised by the artist’s palette spread out before me. Ms Anna Maria broke my reverie near the oranges and we had a lovely little chat. We first met local artist & photographer Anna Maria at the Rockton House garden fair when she photographed us on our bicycles. After a declaration that I needed to be fattened up with orange poppy seed cake & tea, an invitation to partake in both at her new studio was extended and we said our goodbyes. This afternoon I made up a fresh batch of juice to which coconut water and green tea will be added for green smoothies. Lots of fresh produce & exercise is the key to staying healthy this winter season so eat well and keep moving! 

Sunday 25 March 2012

Day 82 & 83

A restful weekend with lots of naps, a beautiful film on Saturday evening, a stroll along the beach and my first ever batch of raw cookies. They really were so easy to make actually..... I had reserved the apple pulp from juicing a few days ago so when I made a fresh batch of brazil nut milk  I took the fresh nut pulp, added desicated coconut, cinnamon, flaxseed together with the apple pulp (oops I forgot the chia seeds….will add in next time!) and a drizzle of agave. The mix was shaped into little rounds and popped into dehydrator to hum along until crisp (hint: turn a few times).

Before the film Saturday evening dinner was a light meal of shredded pumpkin, courgette & asparagus with freshly picked basil & rocket, avocado, pine nuts and a drizzle of olive oil.  We discovered some new pumpkins in our garden, one is growing through the fence so that’s going to be interesting! And the meat beans are really humming too! This week we will start preparing the beds for our autumn crops and don’t forget Thursday evening we have the monthly gardening meet-up all welcome.

We loved the time we spent in India many years ago and I’ve been longing to return so when the trailer for Best Exotic Marigold Hotel came on a few weeks ago I just had to see it. Judi Dench is sublime and the film is a gem, leaving no emotion unturned and something for everyone. It's amazing how films can take you back when you have been to a place before, you can almost taste and feel it. Shaun and I volunteered at Mother Theresa's hospice (Kalighat) in Calcutta some years ago. It was a most interesting experience meeting people from all over the world, spending time with the patients and listening to their stories. It was strenuous work in 40 degree heat but any calories burnt were quickly replaced by calorie dense biscuits and sweet milky masala chai the nuns fed us at morning tea. The food in Calcutta was extraordinary and after four weeks in rural Nepal, our 'international stomachs' were well settled so a few centimetres were definately added to our waistlines.

I watched the sun rise this morning and after a relaxing hour drinking tea we decided a ride was in order. We took did the Bergins Hill loop this morning (around 20km) finishing up with a delicious chai (Donna has a fabulous blend there you must try it - very aromatic) and congratulations to Mr Berry and his team who were also enjoying a morning cuppa in the laneway at Bon. The sun seemed to break through around noon so we drove down the coast, had Japanese for lunch and took a lovely stroll along the beach before heading home. Speaking of the coast and cycling - whose up for the Pink Triathlon on the Gold Coast in October?   

Friday 23 March 2012

Day 80 & 81

A double post to finish an amazing the work week. The highlights have been attending the opening of Janette & LouLou's new Chocolaterie, massive productivity, meeting Alice at the Chamber lunch today and my new Chinese teacher this afternoon and HoP the new practice I have added to my weekly disciplines. I decided last Sunday to begin arising at 4am to make the most of that beautiful quiet time where I can prepare my heart, mind and soul for the day ahead and I'm calling it my Hour of Power (HoP). My reading from Psalm 108 on Monday was, "Awake harp & lyre! I will awaken the dawn!" Well I have to be very quiet (no instruments or music) but I am singing in my mind. Each day I spend time on a different area that I want to grow in - reading books, blogs, articles, eNewsletters and listening to online tutorials pertaining to that topic. I will also use that time to share and keys of wisdom or inspiration from that morning on my pages, write to friends and meditate on my goals and review the day ahead. At 5:15am it's time to wake the man up and get ready to hit the gym when it opens at 5:30am. We train for about an hour - running for 20-25 minutes then strength/resistance training before treating ourselves to a relaxing 10 minutes in the steam room. When I get home I put up the five things that I am thankful for, make my green smoothie, green tea, raw bircher museli (usually consumed later in the morning) & lunch for the day then do my other morning chores. Having this routine is energizing, creates an awesome platform for the day and by the time 8am rolls around I have already achieved so much that the momentum just keeps rolling. I have heard people mention a similar practice but have always dismissed the concept. Whilst I will be turning in early this evening, after my first week of awaking the dawn I am seriously hooked! And now for a relaxing weekend - good night all!   

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day 79

It's taken a little while but this week the man of the house finally put his order in for a tall glass of green goodness in the mornings in addition to his eggs (from our chooks) on toasted sourdough. I decided to serve it up in this little 5 ounce beer glass for him (he had two refills). Green smoothies are great for all the family, kids will love them you just have to set the example and get excited. I had a most enjoyable day off today, enjoyed a sweedish massage at the recently relocated Ipswich Massage Centre, an impromptu catch up with my friend & colleague and an afternoon at the library reading Vogue and Women's Health. I found an article interviewing Michelle Bridges about her own fitness & health practices - what an inspiring woman who is now helping many others to reach their potential - I just love seeing people living their dream!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 78


I love the refreshing change of the new season this time of year, in another month the early mornings will be crisp as chilled apples and it will be soon time to unpack the winter woolies. The beautiful new season pears are still unripened so I've put them in this little basket to pop on the counter, colourful fruit & vegetables really do brighten up a kitchen. Tomorrow morning I shall be preparing a double batch of my green smoothie as my man has put in his order for a greener start to his day. Following on from yesterday's little spruke about brocoli here is an easy to understand link on the amazing properties of the little edible tree that will hopefully inspire you and don't throw the 'trunk' like I used to - it is sweet and juicy and you can slice it up like carrot sticks. When I used to have my sauteed green veggies and gooey eggs for breakfast I would feel a real rush almost immediately so particularly for anyone who is unwell or recovering from illness, get munching! This evening we attended the launch the exciting new Chocalaterie on Ellenborough. Cacao has amazing health properties and in moderation can be a fabulous part of a good nutritional plan. I must say the chilli chocolate samples were enticing but Miss LouLou was very kind and gave me a little slab to take home for day 101. The clever girls have also apparently sourced a raw chocolate maker which I am very excited about. Keep an eye on LouLou's blog where I'm sure there will be lots of lovely photos very soon!   

Monday 19 March 2012

Day 77

When we lived in FNQ in 2008 we had the most incredible view from the lakehouse of the gargantuan Bartle Frere silently watching over us day and night. I mentioned on day 67 about our adventure to the top of that grand old sage and the words of Hilary that inspired me: "It’s not the mountain we conquer but ourselves". As I began my week meditating on those words I felt as if they are becoming a reality more and more as I press through barriers that have stood in my way and it's so exciting! I am not needing as much sleep now so I have decided to arise at 4am when I am naturally waking and have my Hour of Power (HoP) before heading off to the gym around 5:15am. So I had planned my HoP for the week on Sunday evening and today I got off to a great start! The Dedicated Cyclist from New Zealand has been inspiring me with his green powered meals so this week I am focusing on loading up on even more greens. In addition to my green smoothie I am having big bowls of all things green - brocoli, courgette, cucumber, asparagus, green beans, sprouted lentilles du puy (french green lentils), avocado & pepitas, topped with an olive oil, coriander, apple cider and mustard dressing. I haven't eaten raw brocoli in the past but am discovering it's quite nice in a raw veggie salad. The health benefits are simply wonderful, in fact it has been called a miracle food. Having said that I all food in it's natural state has life-containing power that we can use to nourish our bodies. As the cooler season enfolds us lets follow the advice of Hippocrates and consider everything we consume so that our food be medicine and our medicine be food! Adieu....  

Sunday 18 March 2012

Day 75 & 76

Another weekend is slowly packing up to make way for the challenges of the week ahead. I love my Sunday evening's - a time to enjoy a final evening of rest and relaxation and to take a few moments with a lovely pot of tea and my Cara's 9 to plan my week and make sure that I take a balanced approach to life. Our friend Peta is off to Mongolia in a week to live in a yurt and complete a two year assignment with the Red Cross so on Saturday evening we all gathered to celebrate this exciting new opportunity and her upcoming birthday. It was lovely to see our Chinese friends Grace & Bob; and meet their daughter Emily (fifteen months) so a dinner date at Hong Kong Cuisine (I do love their yum cha!) is already in the pipeline for April. Sunday we had a big country drive to the Sunshine Coast, we're doing a little renovating at the moment and had to pick up a door which was also not too far from a raw foodie cafe I discovered online about a week ago. Our itinery took us to Maleny today (a motorbike swap meet was on) so we dropped in to visit the Maple Street Food Co-Op. We have some a group looking at starting a local co-op here so it was good to touch base with a good model for the project. After a scenic drive to Mapleton we headed down the mountain for a lovely lunch of buritos and a medditeranean platter at It's Rawesome Cafe before picking up the door and heading home to a few chapters of Just off Fifth.

Friday 16 March 2012

Day 74

Friday evenings are great for unwinding and getting ready to enjoi a restful and relaxing weekend. My colleague and I took a road trip to Toowoomba today and the boys were enjoying cracking carrot jokes whilst I munched on green beans and almonds as we began our workshop around 10am. It's good not to take yourself too seriously and I read this week that being able to tell a funny story about something silly you've done is good for the mind & soul. I've got so many but can't think of anything right now (next post!). We enjoyed a lovely game of badminton in the garden at sunset before my man got picked up for footy with the lads so I've had some lovely Cara time this evening: a long overdue phone catch up with my friend, listening to my music, playing around with ideas for new catalogues, uploading photos from our trip to Vietnam last September and dreaming about new places to visit, sumptuous food to eat, fresh roses every morning and indulging the senses in all that a new place has to offer. So much still to discover....

Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 73

I am yet to master sprouting sunnies, the most deliciously sweet and crunchy sprouts on the planet. I planted a whole box full and one lonesome sprout popped up. Unlike other sprouts they grow in soil not water so a green thumb is required - here are some tips and I shall continue to experiment. Sprouts are full of the life force of nature and if you really want a boost of energy - add some sprouts to your diet. There are so many different types and the more variety the better! Many people have been commenting to me over the last few days about being on the final leg and even the man of the house said to me the other day "Oh I'm going to do the rest of the 100 days raw with you" [mind you those sentiments lasted a few hours until we dropped in to pick up some nori paper for the sushi and he slipped a couple of packets of chips, a bag of snack size snickers bars and some crumpets into the basket]. It may sound odd but I've almost forgotten that I'm eating differently and it just seems normal to me now. I think back to when I wrote in my journal over a year ago that I wanted to eat raw food - it was only a seed of a thought at the time but I have continued to meditate on the concept and now it has become a reality. Everything begins in the energy of our thoughts just like a tiny seed that sprouts into something incredible: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” Albert Einstein. What can you imagine to life this year.....?  

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Day 72

What a relaxing day, I usually work Wednesday's but today I had an RDO scheduled which came at a great time after a demanding few days last week was overtime earlier this week. A colleague is on leave this week and he flicked a matter that was listed for a hearing yesterday so I spent half of Monday preparing and yesterday in court. We worked up quite an appetite visiting our favourite vintage haunts and by 12:30pm my green smoothie and raw bircher was definately burned up so I decided to make my first attempt at raw sushi for lunch. It was quick and easy - grated courgette in lieu of the rice, your favourite raw fillings and voila! Light and delicious! This evening we had Wine O'Clock, one of our casual networking functions with the local women's network. It was lovely to see everyone and a few of us took the opportunity to linger a little longer discussing life, work, fashion, food, politics & relationships. It's so important to make time to meet new people and then follow up on the 'keepers' by investing quality time in building healthy, supportive friendships. So another gals night is booked and I look forward to getting to know these two gorgeous gals some more.   

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Day 70 & 71

So a double post at the beginning of the week (oops) I started the week meditating on the thoughts of what is our purpose and how does one find true joy, satisfaction and fullfilment in the post-modern world and I've distilled a few thoughts on the full life - to bring forth your gift, to love without fear, to empower and to show compassion. Here is a photo of the raw pad thai we had after yoga last night and tonight was a raw sashimi salad with the leftover bean sprouts - you do have to use them up pretty quick otherwise they go gooey. I was going to do Vietnamese salad but it was dark after our run this evening and the pumpkin has grown so much that my mint is lost somewhere under 'the blob' vine - let's hope we get some pumpkins for our raw linguine! So the Japanese version was impromptu this evening and I threw in some cool 'ear' mushrooms that I've been loving in everything. I look forward to strolling the streets on two wheels over the next few days for bike week and whilst it is not something out of the ordinary for me to be lost in my own world cycling along, I'd welcome company anytime....

Sunday 11 March 2012

Day 68 & 69

My other half departed early this morning for a day of adventure activities with the boys and I was left to enjoy a most sumptuous sleep-in. I won't tell you what time I eventually arose but let's just say that after having my green smoothie and morning tea ritual, it was early afternoon when the brunch bell rang and I decided to try this raw version of Bircher museli which I discovered earlier this week. I had some brazil nuts nicely soaking so I made my first attempt at nut milk. Some muslin for straining the milk is on my 'to buy' list as well as some nice glass jars for storage but I think I am hooked! I didn't have any apples but figs made a nice substitute but I'll have to try it again, next time soaking the museli overnight. Overall it was delicious, the cinnamon really gives it a beautiful flavour. So a most enjoyable Sunday eating, reading, writing and doing a spot of photography. I've also been planning this weeks menu - sushi, buritos, pad thai, olive putanesca, feta & wild rocket tarts and cherry tomato & caramelized red onion mini quiche with lemon thyme cream cheez. So with an exciting menu of raw cuisine and bike week (here's a little article to inspire you) this week is looking most delicious!!

Friday 9 March 2012

Day 67

My new raw foodie friend Mia recently finished a month raw food journey and shared some thoughts about her discoveries so I thought being just over two-thirds of the way through I might also do something similar this evening on my views to date. 

Best copy meal: raw tacos with cos lettuce 'shells'.

Where to eat: From Earth & Water (Burleigh Heads) or Raw & Peace (Northey Street Markets)

Favourite everyday staple: Green Smoothie in the morning [Recipe: juice base (cucumber, celery, apple, ginger, lemon & lime, coconut water, green tea), coconut oil, vital greens, maca & acai powder, chia seeds, flaxseed meal & three big handfuls of baby spinach leaves] 

Usual lunch and dinner fare: big salad of veggies of all colours, with fresh herbs, nuts, seeds and sprouted legumes dowsed with a freshly made dressing of lemon or lime, apple cider vinegar, seedy mustard & garlic.

Easy & quick to make: Gazpacho, raw cheez (like cream cheese but made on nuts)

I was surprised by:  how not tempted I am to eat certain foods when people around me are indulging - I've discovered the power of decision - to cut off  all other options and move forward from there - very exciting! 

I have been complemented about: My glowing complexion  

Recommendation: Go raw for a week and your body will love you

Best Online Raw shop: Loving Earth

New discoveries: Maca & Acai powder

Some surprises:   reduced sleep window, increased mental clarity & productivity, heaps of energy and I don't seem to have any cravings.

What's disappeared: I would occasionally have pain in my stomach after eating and that has completely gone.

Has it been hard: I would have to say at the beginning I was unsure if I could do it, like when we climbed Bartle Frere in 2008. This was the quote I focused on:  "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." - Sir Edmund Hilary. I climbed that mountain all the way to the top, slipping across a field of massive, wet slippery granite boulders, afraid of falling down the cracks (I'm not the steadiest on my feet) and boots full of leeches by the time we got to the summit but together we made it. The hardest part of anything new is starting, so just go ahead and jump in, push through, build momentum, have fun and you'll get there!

Mistakes: Lack of preparation and eating too much fruit

I still want to try: making my own nut milk - this weekend I'm going to give it a crack ;)

Plans for the remaining time: I have found a great blog from Botanical Cuisine based in Melbourne - they have a menu planner which I might use as a guide for the remaining time.

Funniest comment: "What is raw food?"

How's your social life been: It hasn't really held me back to be honest, most places can accommodate you with a salad. It's more about spending time with those you care about and it can work - you just have to be prepared!

What are my plans from day 101: I have learnt from nature that green is best and will continue with a large percentage of my diet raw based green vegetables with fruit & sugars at a minimum. I think the energy and life in this eating plan comes from the abundance of fresh whole food and the complete absence of processed food.  

Thursday 8 March 2012

Day 65 & 66

"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away" - author unknown. Wasn't yesterday's sunset just glorious? Even without my rose coloured sunglasses it took my breath away. Dusk is settling upon another day and the scent of freshly baked banana cake is wafting from the kitchen down the hall to my study. I decided to make my man a treat tonight, he loves it when I bake which is quite rare even when I'm raw food. After a brisk run this morning my day began with the Zonta International Women's Day breakfast (this time I brought my green smoothie) where I caught up, if only briefly, with many friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even bumped into my lovely neighbour I mentioned in the last post. Our resident District Court Judge Bradley was the keynote speaker for the morning. HH reminded us of the many challenges that still face women both here and abroad and I thought with a smile on my face of two women who will soon have a new opportunity. Today I want to honour a good friend of mine who is one of the most amazing woman I know. Hannah lives in Payak, Thailand and we have been friends for many years now. If you knew how many children she has you would join with me in nominating this woman for mother of the year, she is also an amazing chef, business woman, community leader and always has a new project on the go and a big smile on her face. I am really excited about 'Project Mushroom' which we are launching together very soon. This micro-credit project will empower two women to start their own business in rural Thailand and thus set them up with a reliable and sustainable income - I'll keep you posted! 

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 64

We hit the ground running this morning - literally! My sleepy eyes were still just opening halfway down Woodend Road - I had a breakfast meeting scheduled for 7am so we did a half hour run from home as the sun was rising, it's golden rays warming the world to life. When we first moved to Ipswich I was enchanted by the gorgeous little pocket of Woodend & Sadliers Crossing which reminded me very much of Paddington and Red Hill in Brisbane where I lived as a student. Long streets with hills and dips lined with colonial cottages oozing the charm of yesteryear. Something extra special here though is the preservation of the natural environment. Parks and reserves are plentiful and as I run or cycle along under majestic, century old trees I think of the generations of playing children these old sages have watched over and the whispers and secrets of strolling friends and lovers still held safely in their confidence. We are blessed in our community also with the wisdom and support of our elders, I think of our beautiful neighbour who caretakes a large native reserve in the parcel directly behind us and often takes a moment to have a little chat across the fence when we're in the garden. She surprised me in a most lovely way recently by dropping a note with a cut out of the articles from the QT about the raw food journey in my letterbox. Early in my raw food journey there was a day I was feeling a little low and overwhelmed at the challenge I had taken on after a little disagreement with my man over a mushroom - yes you read it correctly, a mushroom, aren't I silly? I was beginning to think the dietary differentiation would cause tension in our home and was sitting in the garden, taking a time out and trying to snap out of it when my sweet neighbour perhaps perceiving my distress took some time to chat with me. Our little chat really helped me shift my focus and get some new perspective. I must drop her a card to let her know how much I appreciate her.

Monday 5 March 2012

Day 63

It's a week for all things new at raw food central! We decided to begin running 5km every morning at 5:30am at local spots including the Park2Park circuit (beginning at Limestone Park) or other routes. The rain did not perturb us today, we just headed to the gym instead. I shaved another ten seconds off last time to make 24:49 which I was pleased with. If I can keep shaving ten seconds off my time, I will reach my goal of 20mins in about six weeks! I've also been getting the impression that I have been consuming too much sugar of late, probably in the form of fruits. In the mornings I'm not feeling hungry so so I am going to tinker with the balance a little this week. After running I drank lots of water and had some tea (green and dandelion) and  waited until I felt hungry to have my smoothie which was around 10am. I added an additional handful of baby spinach but left out the frozen fruit (raspberries and bananas). The smoothie is naturally thick due to the chia seeds and flaxseed meal (fantastic protein source also) and I added some ice which made it nice and cold. It was delicious with warm undertones from the ginger in the base juice. I have also been increasing the cucumber in my diet and immediately see the benefits in my skin tone, I would have to say that cucumber is one of natures beauty foods and there are so many ways to have it - smoothies, juices, soups and salads or with dips - so versatile! I was working from home today and felt hungry again around 2pm so I made up a big salad followed later by an apple, three dried figs and some walnuts. We had yoga this evening, we are both loving this class and it's a nice way to have some couple time whilst getting a great workout and stretch. You generally don't want to eat two hours prior to a class so on Monday's we have a very light meal around 9pm.  Whilst in trikanasana I'd had a flash of inspiration to try raw cauliflower cheez so dinner was a handful of green beans and my new attempt. I chopped up cauliflower into a cereal like consistency then topped it with a raw cashew and sunflower seed cheez I had in the fridge (yes I made it), himalayan crystal salt, freshly cracked black pepper and some organic herbamare seasoning - it was good! My cheese loving man had a taste but he preferred his homemade pumpkin soup with greek yoghurt. I've never been a big cheese eater so I'm not looking for the same taste. I think of when I was a child, I didn't like pumpkin or pawpaw - now I love both! A key to raw food is an open mind, experimentation and allowing yourself time to develop a love of a whole new world of tastes and textures.